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FAQs - Vendor


Q: Do we have to use your forms for our staff qualifications or can we use our own?
Q: Can I use my own form for monthly reporting?
Q: Can I start performing services before I received a referral from the
Q: If I do not have the staff capacity to provide requested services, can I utilize a subcontractor?
Q: Can I bill the court for treatment staffings?
Q: Am I required to notify the court if a client does not show up for session?
Q: Am I allowed to bill for "no shows"?
Q: When do I have to submit invoicing for payment?
Q: What if I have changes in personnel providing services under the contract/agreement, am I required to notify the court?
Q: The presentence report is part of the referral packet, am I allowed to disclose this document with a signed release of information from the client?
Q: Would an all telehealth proposal for mental health and/or substance use services be considered?